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Spam involves contacting people with unwanted content or requests. This includes sending bulk messages, excessively posting links or images to people's Timelines and sending friend requests to people you don't know personally.

Spam is sometimes spread through clicking on bad links or installing malicious software. On other occasions, scammers gain access to people's Facebook accounts, which are then used to send out spam.

If you clicked on something that turned out to be spam or your account is creating unwanted posts, events, groups or Pages, try these steps:

Secure your account

  • If you can log into your account, we recommend changing your password. If you can't get into your account, you can secure it.

Review account activity and remove any spam

Report spam to us

  • If you come across any more spam on Facebook, report it to us. By doing so, you will be playing an important role in helping us protect other people from scams.

Learn more

  • It's possible that you clicked a malicious link, downloaded a bad file, or logged into a fake Facebook Page and someone got access to your account. Learn more about keeping your account secure.
